Your life matters. Unplanned is a film that moves people in different ways. You may need healing from your past abortion. You may be a current or former abortion worker and want support. You may be pregnant, and looking for help with options. You might simply want to get involved in different ways to limit abortion and promote life.
Below you will find a list of our partners that can connect you with help in your area. If you'd like to speak with someone now, please call or text 855-801-HOPE (4673). Someone who cares is waiting to talk with you.
Planned from the Start: A Healing Devotional shares the stories of women and men who have been affected by abortion and found healing by the love of God. It is a 40-day journey that provides daily words of encouragement and times for reflection.
Where there is grief, He anoints your head with joy.
Where there is guilt, He offers you forgiveness.
Where there is shame, He covers you in grace.
Where there is regret, He wraps you in comfort.
Where there is depression, He lifts your heart with hope.
If you currently or have formerly worked in the abortion industry, there is confidential help and healing available.
Abby Johnson's organization, And Then There Were None, has successfully transitioned 500 workers out of the abortion industry.
ATTWN offers a variety of resources to serve your needs including healing retreat weekends, transitional income to help with bills, professional resume writing and interview coaching, professional counseling, emotional support, and legal representation (if needed)—all at no charge to you.
To learn more, visit Abby's organization, And Then There Were None
Someone who is able to help you with your questions is ready to speak with you.
OptionLine is a place where you can find information or chat with a trained consultant 24/7.
Text "HELPLINE" to 313131 or call 800-712-HELP
Thank you for your interest in taking action to support life.
Abby Johnson was encouraged by the love and support she received from the Coalition for Life/40 Days for Life group that prayed outside her Planned Parenthood clinic. She is now one of the most ardent pro-life voices in America.
There are many ways to get involved and make a real difference. Every person can do something to help. Our partner organizations listed below would be happy to provide you with more information on how you can take action, right where you are.